Monday, September 17, 2007

Finally in London

So I'm finally here! I got in last night at 7:30 pm London time, and met up with my mom's friend Peter to stay the night at his apartment (or flat).

Orientation was supposed to start at the St. Giles hotel near Heathrow, so I headed out there this morning, taking a train from the Waterloo train station. I got to the hotel, and the orientation director gave me a packet of information. He told me that today had no scheduled activities; it was just a day to sleep. I went to my little hotel room and met my roommate, who promptly passed out on the bed (she had flown a red-eye). No one was around; I decided to head back into central London.

I got epically lost looking for Peter's apartment, but I found after about an hour (this was disconcerting for me; I never get lost).

I move into my apartment on Wednesday; I'm going to be living with other American students in a place on Gower street, which is right next to the British Museum and 5 blocks away from campus. I hope my roommates are cool.

I'm rather sleepy and disoriented, but I'm doing okay. A little homesick, but hopefully I'll be keeping busy. I'll be sure to keep you all updated!

1 comment:

Rob Wray said...

Annie: hang in there, kiddo! You'll be great. We're all proud of you, and pulling for you. Have a great time-- we're all living vicariously through your exploits! Love, Dad